I remember my grandmother always wearing a ring with a bright yellow stone, finely carved and set so that only she was the protagonist… she said it brought her good luck.
Today I know that that ring was not only beautiful and elegant but also the symbol of something deeper.
For the more curious, know that it was a citrine quartz, expertly hand-cut, capable of refracting the light around it, a symbol of joy and joy of living, capable of developing courage and individuality.
Well, needless to say, my grandmother was just like that.
Whether it was given to her or she chose it, I don't know, but one thing is certain... it was her stone. Her energy reflected and exalted her, emphasizing her kind and optimistic soul.
This is how I met hard stones, worked to become splendid jewels, but always capable of rebalancing and influencing our energy, amplifying it, giving us awareness and, it is said, making us always “remember” our thoughts.