Fatti guidare dalla luce: come scegliere la tua gemma magica

Let the Light Guide You: How to Choose Your Magical Gem

The universe is energy!

And everything, every living being is surrounded by its own energy field, which interacts and influences what is around it.

We live surrounded by energetic auras, more or less similar to ours, we are attracted by what resembles us or by what we need.

Have you ever felt a particular attraction for someone? I'm sure you did.

And the energy field of hard stones, their aura, their power changes depending on its composition, which is why we are attracted to one stone rather than another.

So? If it is true that attraction is a primordial, unconscious sensation, the best way to choose a stone is to be guided by its light, by the emotion it arouses.

Of course, knowing their properties and strength can help you identify the right one, but often it's just a matter of intuition.

Let yourself be guided by the light, by the color… and you will know that it is the right one for you.

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